AES Acne Clinic San Francisco | Acne Treatments for adult and teenage acne

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You actually can't make your pores smaller

Before we talk about pore size, let’s start with a little lesson on what a pore actually is because I’ve found that most people think they know but they actually don’t know what and where this basic skin structure is.  It’s not our fault we are so misinformed: we hear skincare companies say their products “clean deep down inside the pores” and see visuals in TV commercials that show products going into the “pore” and washing out debris.  But a pore is not the tube-like structure that extends beneath the surface of the skin where acne and debris form. That tube-like structure is called a follicle and the pore is just the opening to the follicle on the surface of the skin.  So you can’t actually “clean deep down inside the pores” because there is nothing deep about the pores-they are just a surface structure that acts like a gateway to all of the truly deep stuff like the sweat glands, oil glands, fat, nerves, and the follicles where acne forms.  In my post about how heat and steam are actually terrible for acne, I discuss how pore size is determined by what is inside of the follicle so the next two sections are taken directly from that post:

Only oil can stretch the pores open or closed
Pore size is mostly genetic and there isn’t anything you can do to significantly change it.  Pores don’t actually get smaller or bigger on their own: How big or small your pores are depends on the amount of oil your sebaceous glands produce because oil is what flows through the follicle and stretches the pores open, making it appear larger or smaller.  And oil production is determined by testosterone levels because testosterone is the chemical messenger that triggers the oil gland to get pumping among many other things. Testosterone levels are primarily biological. For example, we are born with biological clocks that signal our testosterone levels to surge during puberty, pregnancy, and the menstrual cycle.  There are certain dietary and lifestyle factors that are within our control like dairy, soy, and stress that can impact testosterone levels so if we can reduce the levels of testosterone in the body, we can reduce oil production, and maybe cause the pores to appear smaller because there is less oil stretching the pore open. This is a big maybe though and it’s unrealistic to expect poreless skin because all of humans have oil glands that are constantly producing oil throughout our lives.  I know this is not good news if you are a pore-hater but remember that oil and pores serve really amazing life saving functions so if you really had the choice, you wouldn’t want to close them up!

Topical products might help 
Some active ingredients in acne products like benzoyl peroxide can help absorb oil on the skin which might make pores appear smaller.  Other ingredients like alpha hydroxy acids can exfoliate and break up congestion in the follicles so pores might appear smaller as congestion gets purged out of the follicles.  Our Clearing Treatment contains benzoyl peroxide and our serums and peels contain alpha hydroxy acids and other exfoliating ingredients that help cut oil and clear the follicles from the inside out.  The holistic aspects of our program include dietary and lifestyle recommendations that aim to target and reduce oil production. We don’t promise that our program or products will deliver smaller looking pores because, as I mentioned, it’s largely biological and the changes we might be able to achieve will be minimal.  There really is no program or product out there that will give you flawless poreless skin but if you have a chance at minimizing your pore size at all, our program is probably your best shot.

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