I've actually cried tears of joy looking at my skin in the mirror and not feeling huge bumps on my face

Years battling acne: 10-15 years

Tried: Dermatologist, Naturologist, every expensive skin program and treatment, natural supplements, prescription pills, and dietary changes

Goal in their own words: The ideal outcome is that I feel confident in my skin again and like the woman I see in the mirror. I am an extremely diligent person, and feel like I have tried every process, treatment, and face but all to no avail. I'm tired and frustrated and done feeling like acne is my “fault” for doing X wrong. After taking the e-course, it was the first time I felt heard, understood, and like someone was able to answer all the questions I’ve never gotten real answers to in 15 years. I hope that AES, as a true acne specialist, can support me and give me the tools and tips to really start to heal my acne properly.

Skin type: Moderate combination acne with painful cysts primarily on her chin + post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation + melasma

The AES solution: This client started our program during COVID when our clinic was shutdown. She took our e-course and started with our virtual program for three months before switching to our in-person program once our clinic was able to reopen. By the time she came to our clinic, her acne was already mostly clear from our virtual coaching sessions so we only needed 2 facial treatments before we graduated her and she went on do our pigmentation peel series. After 4 peel sessions, her dark marks (post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation) and melasma were completely gone and her skin is now completely clear and even as you can see in these after photos.

AES Acne Clinic based in the SF Bay Area - holistic skincare products and personalized programs for clear skin
AES Acne Clinic based in the SF Bay Area - holistic skincare products and personalized programs for clear skin

No more putting make up to go to the gym or even to go to work

Years battling acne: 6

Tried: Rodan + Fields Unblemish line, chemical peels, microdermabrasion, extractions, acne facials

Goal: To learn how to achieve healthier skin and to clear up the acne but get rid of the dullness and make it more even

Skin type: Moderate combination acne + post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation

The AES solution: These pictures were taken 8 months apart after 10 treatments and 4 lightening peels. Her acne was actually completely clear after the average 7 treatments over 3 months but it took an additional 4 lightening peels to help get rid of the post-inflammatory pigmentation (dark marks) that were pretty stubborn due to picking. The additional 3 treatments were routine maintenance treatments that we usually perform every 6-8 weeks once someone graduates the program.

AES Acne Clinic based in the SF Bay Area - holistic skincare products and personalized programs for clear skin

I don't think I realized how much having acne was weighing me down until it was gone.

Years battling acne: 10

Goal: Reduce congestion, acne and pigmentation

In their own words: I had the occasional blemish in high school but really started breaking out when I was about 20. It seemed to be triggered most by my hormonal cycle. For the past few years it has been a pretty constant state of congestion in the chin area. I was seeing an Esthetician for monthly facials for seven months. I thought the congestion would clear up from extractions but they have stayed consistent.

Skin type: Combination acne + occasional cysts + post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation

The AES solution: These pictures were taken 4 months apart after 6 treatments. It usually takes longer to even out the pigmentation and dark marks than to clear the acne itself but in this case her skin was clear AND even by the time she graduated the program!

Transforming dark marks and mild acne into even, glowing skin

Years battling acne: 15-20

Tried: Spironolactone, Retin-a, Proactiv, Microdermabrasion, antibiotics, extractions, spa facials

Skin type: Moderate combination acne + post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation

The AES solution: This transformation took 9 treatments over 4 months to achieve. Although her acne was not severe, her skin was pretty sensitive when she started the program from the various prescriptions and products she had used previously so it took one treatment longer than average to graduate her because we wanted to make sure her skin was balanced and strong before we started her on stronger peels and products.

Transforming dark marks and mild acne into even, glowing skin - AES Acne Clinic

Getting clear after trying everything for almost two decades

Years battling acne: 19 years

Tried: Retin-A, Clindamycin, Proactiv, cutting out gluten, dairy and soy, antibiotics, extractions, microdermabrasion

Goal: Skin that is more clear, smooth, bright, and even. Less dry/patchy, discolored, and less textured.

Skin type: Moderate combination acne + post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation

The AES solution: These pictures were taken 3 months apart after 6 treatments.

AES Acne Clinic | Acne Transformations
AES Acne Clinic | Acne Transformations

Finding clear, even skin after battling moderate combination acne and scarring

Years battling acne: 5-10 years

Tried: Drugstore products and holistic alternatives

Goal: To understand what is causing the acne so she can get clear, smooth, glowing, and even skin

Skin type: Moderate combination acne + post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation

The AES solution: These pictures were taken 3 months apart after 6 treatments.

AES Acne Clinic before and after.JPG